The Alderney gaming license is one of the most prestigious and recognised types of gambling permission. This offshore zone issues certificates only to honest entrepreneurs who work in accordance with international standards. A casino that has received a certificate of the jurisdiction can count on stable traffic and a high level of trust of the audience.

Alderney casino license

The 2WinPower team has gathered comprehensive information on the legalisation of an Alderney casino. We will show you what types of permits are issued by the described offshore zone, what documents are required to file an application, and how much it will cost to obtain a gambling license.

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Gambling Jurisdiction of Alderney: General Information

The country is the third-largest isle of the British Channel. This is an independent jurisdiction that is not part of the United Kingdom and the European Union.

An authorised body, the Gambling Control Commission, has been operating since 2000. Its main task is to ensure the transparency of online games for money. The Commission is a member of the European Forum for the Regulation of the Gambling Industry and the International Association of Gambling Regulators.

The Alderney gambling license has the following economic advantages:

  • the owner of an online business can apply for the exemption from taxes;
  • instead of the profit tax, the platform should pay a fixed annual commission;
  • the Alderney casino does not pay the value-added tax;
  • offshore does not withhold taxes from the organisation and distribution of gambling services.

Alderney Casino: Types of Permits

The Alderney license can be of 2 types:

  1. Business to consumer (B2C). The certificate is issued to enterprises that specialise in the interaction with players.
  2. Business to business (B2B). This type of permit is designed for the companies that are focused on the cooperation with developers and other gambling partners.

Gambling in Alderney: types of permits

In both categories, there are 4 extended formats of certificate for Alderney casinos:

  • a full license for gambling projects of any format;
  • a certificate of the association;
  • a permit for hosting;
  • an Alderney gambling license for online gaming sites.

Nuances of the legalisation of various types of gambling business in Alderney

The operation mode

The description

A website with slot machines

The indent of an operator is satisfied only after careful monitoring of the operation of the service (assessment of the quality of the game content and a partial selection according to the frequency of payments to users).

A special feature of the procedure is that a certificate can be obtained by a non-resident applicant. The main condition is the official registration of a gambling company

Alderney casino

To launch the website, there is no need for getting only one license: you will need to collect a whole set of documents (separately for each type of entertainment).

The process of the acquisition of a license takes from 4 to 6 months

Lottery business

Since the basis of the lottery draw is the random number generation system, there is a single license for offering any online slot machine and lotteries

Sports betting

The certificate is available only if the bookmaker is already registered as a specialised company in any other offshore zone.

The license is issued in 2 formats:

  • for intermediary operators;
  • for a representative of a betting shop

Bingo draws

Due to the niche specialisation, a permit for this work is issued as part of the main gambling package.

The advantage of this solution is that bingo is classified as a kind of lottery, thanks to which operators will pay a lower tax to the public treasury

The Casino Licensing Process in Alderney

Gambling certificates are issued only if the following requirements are satisfied:

  • availability of the Internet resource that meets the requirements of the country, on the territory of which it was registered;
  • provision of the information on a gaming site with data on all the methods of carrying out financial transactions and payment services;
  • a legal entity must be registered in the offshore country;
  • provision of a detailed business plan with a list of games;
  • provision of information on all the participants in the procedure (all founders of the company);
  • recommendations from commercial and banking institutions for the enterprise and each of the founders;
  • mandatory access to the back office of the platform for the production of expert evidence;
  • provision of information on software vendors.

Alderney Gaming License: Service Rating

The cost of the Alderney gaming license

A distinctive feature of offshore certificates is the fact that the validity of the issued permit has no time limits. Moreover, applicants will not be charged for filing an application.

Instead, operators must pay the following fees:

  • initial deposit (expenses for the execution of an examination of a gaming site) — from 5 to 10 thousand dollars;
  • reserve deposit — 5 thousand dollars;
  • acceptance of the application — 10 thousand dollars;
  • corrections and amendments to the collected package of documents — from 100 to 5 thousand dollars;
  • examination and approval of gambling equipment — 5 thousand dollars;
  • inspection of financial manipulations — 7,500 dollars;
  • carrying out special investigations (if necessary) — 2-5 thousand dollars;
  • the annual fee for the maintenance of the certificate — from 35 to 400 thousand dollars.

In Conclusion

The Alderney gambling license is one of the most reliable ways to win the trust of your audience and enter the market with an impeccable reputation. Unfortunately, an independent purchase of a permit quite often turn very nasty because the offshore has strict requirements for applicants, often returns documents for the follow-up, and may refuse to provide services without giving any reason.

A perfect way to avoid any pitfalls is to work with 2WinPower. From us, it is possible to order the turnkey business development on favourable terms. Our team of specialists guarantees the absence of financial risks, absolute confidentiality, the flexible system of discounts for regular customers, and assistance in any legal issues (from the collection of documents to the opening of a local representative office in the chosen jurisdiction).

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