Gamification as an Efficient Boost for Gambler Engagement and Retention

Andrew Price
Posted by Andrew Price
2WinPower Partner, owner of the gambling establishments network.
Updated: 22/09/2022

Gamification and the unique interactive experience is often ignored by the casino sphere. But numerous instances show that customisation is essential for ensuring the best play and great user retention. Personalisation can boost engagement, increase brand recognition, raise player lifetime value, and stabilise the company’s income.

During the creation of a new gambling platform or with an upgrade of an existing casino site, standards of gamification can play a huge role in the modern entertainment sphere. The aggregator 2WinPower offers professional services in implementing these elements to match the operational process with the standards of the industry.

Gamification in casinos for user engagement

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Advantages of Gamification Implementation

Offering punters personalised content is a direct way to boost engagement. The provision of solutions for advanced interaction has allowed novice operators to enter the market much quicker and become recognised thanks to innovative activities that no other platform has. Distributors can set up unique promotions for groups of players to avoid wasting resources.

How gamification principles facilitate player engagement with unique gambling opportunities:

  1. The development of in-system functionality that is absent in any other gaming club makes the casino stand out from others. As a result, more players are eager to experience such entertainment.
  2. Gamification principles enhance customer journeys around the platform which are usually tedious. The selection of an activity can be long and distracting. Operators resort to interactive measures even in menus to diversify player experience.
  3. Personalised content offering drives revenue growth. This means that a little more effort during the configuration of the platform will ensure bigger income that will consequently stimulate further development.
  4. Caring about every player’s preferences creates an unforgettable gaming experience and incentivises them to return for more. While the acquisition is important, keeping retention levels high is also a top priority for any online casino venue.

The value of gamification introduction is evident across gambling platform participation. On average, operators report an increase of 200% in unique sessions, 250% in returning accesses, and more than 350% raise in the total wagering amount when also working with promotional materials.

Forms of Gamification

Gamification in gambling: established forms

This business development approach is not a new trend. It has been used in the gambling sphere for years. However, gamification principles have been particularly widely utilised by big casino brands and providers recently. Logically, smaller companies and novice operators decided to resort to its help as well. The full potential of gamification in the entertainment sphere is depicted in its variety.

Established forms that are widely used by online gambling facilities:

VIP reward system

Casino venues statistically receive the majority of their profits from big players.

People who wager a lot and prove their VIP status are incentivised to interact even more to receive extra rewards


Regular everyday activities become boring for a lot of punters.

That is why operators organise scheduled competitions to diversify the gameplay, allowing users to prove to others their skill and luck levels

Loyalty schemes

Regardless of whether a casino visitor is a VIP or a casual participant, gambling establishments care about all their clients.

Loyalty programs consider the frequency of attendance, regularity of bets, and remunerate all punters who meet their requirements


The same slot-spinning or card-dealing can be tiring for players.

In this case, casino operators introduce spontaneous quests that are not connected to the main activity mechanic-wise. Usually, these are wheel of fortune spins or similar options

Skill-based bonus rounds

The opportunity to diversify the interactive process that is based purely on luck with some skill activities is also valued.

Online casinos implement different time- and precision-related bonus rounds that players enjoy hugely

Mission accomplishments

Another huge gamification implementation in the online casino industry is task completion.

Different brands utilise distinct manifestations (badges, achievements, accomplishments, etc.). But the overall aim is the same — ensure that players spend time performing these tasks

Gamification has always been crucial for boosting the user experience. New generations of gamblers are constantly seeking unusual interaction possibilities and unique gameplay features. Therefore, operators have been recently developing brand-new approaches to attract punters and retain established ones to set up long-term engagement.

Innovative Gamification Implementations

Gamification in casino marketing: examples

Regular bonus rounds, missions, and VIP programs may also be quite repetitive for established gamblers. People who have been playing for a long time are already used to the same skill-based entertainment at different venues. That is why the necessity to develop unique gamification standards and implement them significantly boosts the popularity of the establishment.

Three recent additions to the player-interaction strategies:

  1. Narrative storytelling. First casino games used to consist of straightforward buttons-pressing, lever-pulling, and combinations-making activities. Today, offering appealing storylines with quests to clear levels gives punters a solid reason to keep on playing for fun rather than just the desire to win money.
  2. Social media gaming. Quite recently, popular networks began presenting activities that looked like online casino entertainment. However, they were legal due to the absence of bets with real money. Instead, punters obtain in-game currency and enjoy the process this way.
  3. Character creation and interaction. The recent trend in the whole entertainment industry has been video games. First-person shooters, role-play content, and similar activities have taken the world by storm. Online casinos work towards utilising their trends, and one of such achievements is character creation and its usage on gambling platforms.

In 5–10 years, we will not see the same casino activities as they originated. The world is changing, and people’s preferences for gambling are as well. So, adapting the iGaming operation to the newest trends and technical possibilities is integral.

The Main Things about Implementing Gamification in a Casino

Player attraction and retention are the two most important notions for a platform operator. While the competition is getting stronger each year, new ideas are necessary to keep punters’ interest in your project high.

That is why resorting to the standards of gamification is beneficial:

  • Offering advanced interaction has allowed novice operators to enter the market competition much quicker and become recognised thanks to innovative activities that no other platform has.
  • On average, operators report an increase of 200% in unique sessions, 250% in returning accesses, and more than 350% raise in the total wagering amount when also working with the promotional materials.
  • Gamification is not a new trend as it has been used in the gambling sphere for years with the VIP reward system, tournaments, loyalty schemes, mini-quests, skill-based bonus rounds, and mission accomplishments being the most effective.
  • Narrative storytelling, social media content, character creation and interaction became the most recent additions to casino gamification possibilities, showing incredible efficiency in player acquisition and retention.

For a successful implementation of customer interaction principles, operators can confidently resort to professional guide companies. 2WinPower is an established gambling brand, offering gamification implementation since it became popular among punters.

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