Each businessman thy to understand which market is worth orienting when opening a new business or developing an existing one. According to experts, the phrase “How to create a gambling project in Europe?” will become the leading search query in 2024. Such a trend is dictated by statistical data. Europeans are recognized as the most promising consumers (more than 52% of the world's playing population).

Gambling project in Europe (the EU)

The 2WinPower team has collected comprehensive information about the current situation in the gambling market. We will tell you about the prospects of international working format, the nuances of licensing your own business, and explain how to open a gambling project in Europe on the most favourable conditions.

European Gambling Market: Reasons for Its Popularity 

Gambling is considered the most profitable investment direction in Europe due to the following factors:

  • gambling business falls into the category of entrepreneurial activities conducted under the simplified taxation scheme (EU free trade zone);
  • the opportunity to cooperate with the best banking institutions;
  • a large selection of reliable partners;
  • access to software from leading world suppliers;
  • the widest audience;
  • a huge selection of services for financial transactions (from the traditional banking system to electronic services and Bitcoin payments);
  • your own legal business without unwanted attention from the authorities.

The desire of EU regulators to a single set of rules for organizing and conducting gambling games is another feature of the European market. Competent authorities are developing a universal industry control system aimed at the full-scale removal of the gambling market from the "grey" economy sector.

While regulations are in the formation process, the European gambling industry is as follows:

European gambling market in 2019-2020

Gambling industry working format

European states list

Online services are not blocked

Czech Republic, Cyprus, Iceland, Serbia, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Working on the online market requires a license from a local regulator

Bulgaria, Belgium, Austria, Croatia, Denmark, France, Estonia, Germany, Italy, Poland, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain

The online business of local suppliers is regulated by a special commission, the activities of foreign sites are not controlled

Greece, Lithuania, Ireland, Hungary, Monaco, Portugal, Montenegro, Norway, San Marino, Hungary, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovenia

Casinos can provide their services without restrictions

Belarus, Gibraltar, Malta, Andorra, Albania, Liechtenstein, the Faroe Islands, Isle of Man

Requirements List for a Gambling Services Provider

Launch a gambling startup in Europe (the EU)

It is impossible to ignore the compliance of the business with the requirements of EU gaming regulators when answering the question, “How to launch a gambling start-up in Europe?”. It is worth noting that there is no single regulatory document. Each jurisdiction reserves the right to require a specific set of information from the applicant, up to the verification of fingerprints of all participants interested in the project.

The basic documentation includes:

  1. A document confirming the absence of violations of law.
  2. Certificate of experience in the field of management or work in senior positions with a three-year experience.
  3. The presence of contracts with software suppliers, notarized copies of certificates for each piece of gambling equipment.
  4. Certificate on opening a bank account and documentary evidence of the presence of the authorized capital (the size of the deposit is determined by the local regulator).
  5. Confirmation of a real physical address existence (for example, copies of utility bills, the documentation provided by the mobile operator, contract for the purchase/sale of office space, etc.).

This is not the whole list of documents that may be required to open your own project. You can always find out more about the standards of European regulators turning to 2WinPower consultants.

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Gambling Site Launching Nuances: The Main Working Formats of the European Market

Just a couple of decades ago, businessmen could rely only on themselves. Starting from scratch is a long and financially costly process associated with a huge amount of difficulties. More promising launching options are in demand today.

Internet Business Franchise

This is a practical and convenient format of work, allowing users to minimize costs and time necessary for the project implementation. In fact, the entire launching process consists of signing an agreement and approving your own logo. You can start working with the portal in just a couple of days.

The operator receives ready-made casino games, organized support service, sublicense, and assistance in resolving disputed legal issues. The absolute protection against the risk of large payments (jackpots remain the responsibility of the franchisor company) is one more advantage.

The main disadvantage of this method is working with a standard project and a typical set of games. Moreover, part of the casino income is transferred to the account of the "parent" company (mandatory commission payments).

Gaming Platform Script

This is the cheapest option, allowing you to create several standard projects on one platform at once. As a rule, a script contains a certain set of games and built-in administrative services with access to financial transactions. The only thing that is required from the operator is to adapt the internal settings to your own needs, order a design and logo, and then start promoting the project.

The disadvantage of this method is the high risk of purchasing a “non-viable” product (especially if the word “free” became the decisive factor in choosing software). Moreover, do not forget about the additional costs of the project licensing, organizing technical support services, and developing loyalty programs.

Turnkey Casino Development Service

How to create a gaming website

This is the best solution for those who want to understand how to create a new gambling site in Europe. You will receive a finished project that meets European quality criteria, taking advantage of the complex 2WinPower offer.

The package includes:

  • the exclusive design of the site and logo thumbnails development;
  • game content adding (for example, poker, roulette, live broadcasts, card games, software for organizing tournaments, traditional slots, plot slot machines, unique solutions from our team of programmers);
  • development of bonus programs (rewards for registration, first replenishment, seasonal and thematic promotions, free starts, tournaments, VIP offers and much more);
  • security systems;
  • quick technical assistance;
  • fast troubleshooting, as well as free system updates;
  • legal project support.

We offer such additional services as:

  • mobile applications development;
  • production of exclusive game content in HTML5 format;
  • comprehensive marketing promotion (guaranteed profit from gambling after 2-6 months of cooperation);
  • search and engaging of the best affiliate services;
  • software integration for ensuring Bitcoin payments.


The European gambling market is the most demanded and promising entrepreneurial niche, characterized by both a loyal attitude of gambling regulators and trust from players. You have the opportunity to organize work on a legal basis and gain access to the biggest gambling audience in the world.

Leave a request to 2WinPower consultants, and we will help you in choosing the best strategy. You can always buy ready-made casino scripts from us, as well as order a turnkey service and find out more about the best franchise offers.

Our assortment includes the gaming industry novelties and creative developments that can compete with premium products.

We are ready to join the work on your project at any stage and realize the boldest ideas. Our strategy is an individual approach, creativity, and continuous improvement. Become part of the 2WinPower family right now!

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