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When a site is developed, licensed, casino software is purchased, payment systems are personalized, you might think you're fully ready to run. You might even have asked your programmer to integrate the Google Analytics code, so that an operator would monitor the active casino traffic on the site.

But a day after opening you realize that no one visits the casino except for your partners and people who have a direct link. In the search engine your casino under its own name is not among the top requests.

What should you do next? Since you are a business owner, you might be familiar with marketing tools: SEO, contextual advertising, SMM, email marketing, partnerships. You may have even tried the script for "parsing." As a good businessman, you start practicing all these technology instruments, and a few months later at best your gambling establishment gets conversion of 0.5%.

But if you're a literate, strategically minded entrepreneur, get your targets settled first. It requires time and investment to promote your online casino and monetize gambling site or BK. You would surely not waste the budget on useless tools.

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Top 5 Ways to Monetize Gambling Traffic Within a Competitive Market

By starting a gambling business a business owner only one third through to having an enterprise payback. By the time you start a casino, a great deal on licenses and software would have already been spent. Now a businessman expects profits to come.

Traffic is the air casino industry is breathing, so the operators of gambling clubs do everything they can to achieve it, for instance, by using active advertisement on websites, small teasers in audio, different types of interactivity. Being experts who specialize in ways to drive traffic to online casino and monetize gambling site, we suggest postponing creative solutions. First of all, elaborate the website semantics and make sure that search engines present your casino among search results. In any area, search traffic takes about 60% of all visits. Browser casinos depend on website targets. As the goals are defined, budget is decided upon, feel sure to implement your business plan to to promote your online casino.

Top 5 ways to monetize gambling traffic

  • Sales funnel of internet casinos

Prior starting a full-scale ad campaign you make sure to be aware of the transition-conversion-customers ratio. Of course, you don't sell anything in browser casinos, because it's gambling, but this marketing tool can be applied here.

We're going to put other variables in this scheme. For example, transitions are casino traffic, conversions are people who have started a free game or demo, and customers are players who have made bets.

This kind of promotion model helps to determine at what point the end customer "got lost" or where to look for a bug. Mostly, problems begin at conversion-client stage but the quality of traffic can be the cause as well. Building an effective casino sales funnel should be credited to gambling market manager only, who knows the auditorium, thinks strategically.

  • SEO promotion of browser gambling clubs

In case the website is targeted at gaming for actual money, SEO texts optimizing your web page according to search requests are needed. The more up-to-date your site is for an internet user, the more often search engines will show it in search results. The thing is in indexation and ranking of the site.

Where these requests come from and how to understand what is right for the text and what is not is an entire science. There’re low-frequency as well as high-frequency requests that are clustered together. It takes months to classify all search requests for online casinos manually relying on intuition alone. Therefore, it’s a good practice to trust such task to specialists of the 2winpower company working on advanced software. Only through our great experience and skills we quickly determine which clusters can work for a particular establishment.

Should you plan to start a gambling establishment to later monetize the traffic of the website, it is essential to focus on SEO. Your future advertisers are primarily interested in the site attendance and clientele financial solvency. So as to collect the aimed gambling traffic, a good target manager is needed, who would do context media advertisements to eventually drive traffic to online casino plus generate a stream of real customers.

  • Ways of Internet casino promotion. CMN basics

Internet context media network (CMN) completely changed the attitude to advertisement. As the latest digital research shows, it has 80% of America’s trust. This is because they are shown targeted ads. Today advertisements work for insights (secret wishes) and addresses consumer issues. A U.S. resident knows: one advertisement has a dozen professionals who have chosen it among millions of people.

In the CIS countries the level of trust to internet advertising is lower, but not for much — 50-60%. On the other hand in America, fee for the CPC banner click can cost a marketing manager $20. We're still holding at 20-30 cents and less. The tasks of a CMN specialist include finding the best sites to place ads and subsequent publishing of ad banners. After that, the most interesting part begins.

Don’t expect potential clients to visit your website to play for money right away. Still, there's a great option being helpful in "catching up" a site visitor called remarketing. Should you choose to promote your online casino, remarketing occurs in several areas. Its major function is to make individuals who have already visited a particular casino website will receive ad which is targeted at one more visit.

Remarketing works, increases a revisit number, searching engines rank this website as a useful resource, which altogether affects the casino traffic volume. Most importantly, the quantity of your customers and profits increases.

The entire process of CMN advertising setting-up begins with testing. Multiple companies are created, and then by analysis and monitoring a company, which is likely to increase the conversion is defined. To run such tests and generate the right type of ads without diffusing the money, you should address real professionals. 2WinPower is always at service to provide casino owners with any assistance. This company knows how to monetize gambling site more effectively and increase casino traffic.

  • Means of Internet casino promotion on social networks

SMM or social media marketing is considered a popular media way to promote your online casino. SMM consists of two large sections: content itself and the paid ads that different professionals work on. Social networks give nice gambling traffic if the community is membered by a great number of people. Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki are the best for browser casinos. To promote your online casino you need an ad office similar to CMN. SMM professional here chooses purposes of advertisement, sets up the ads as well as target audience. Remarketing is also possible in SMM.

Content is always a working tool. It is the only thing that can single out the gaming establishment among thousands of others and really drive traffic to online casino. Your personal social network account helps you to communicate with other users, tell them about your establishment, encourage to make the choice in your favor. Content is the key to reach a customer. Say, the subscriber does not intend to play for money today, but if the content strategy convinces a client, he will become your client later.

 Promoting an internet casino SMM via is a vast reservoir of work that includes:

  • targets of social network promotion;
  • formation of a target audience;
  • casino positioning;
  • media plan on paid advertising;
  • content strategy;
  • content template;
  • development of interactive activations (competitions, etc.);
  • KPI for each social network.

All promotion elements can be implemented simultaneously because they interact with each other but its difficult to do for one person. We suggest you make order with the 2WinPower to buy casino traffic or to monetize gambling site. A whole digital department work to fulfill the needs of every customer.

  • Analytics of advertising browser casinos

Media analytics is Atlas holding casino traffic universe. You can track an ad channel efficiency using analytics tools. You will be able to harmonize the budget, develop a promising communication channel. Besides that, anyone is able to track the entire path of a customer starting with the first click finishing with the first reel rotation. It gives clear understanding of a client’s behavior.

There are many services and programs for analysis of online casino advertising. Yandex.Metrika and Google Analytics are classified as the basic ones.

Anyway, embedding service code to the website and monitoring the growth curve and casino traffic falldown isn’t enough. Analytics starts with defining on the goals/objectives side: what should be there, what parameters are your priority? It’s important to get dashboards set up, algorithm of UTM labels formed, summaries unloaded weekly, and reports made. All of those give you a broad picture of what’s working best for you.

It's just a big mistake to spend a budget on ads without conversion. It's going to hurt your business as well as the website. There's a special profession called digital analyst that handles reports, conversions and tracks gambling traffic. This expert also checks CRM data, provides an extensive report for you and your casino strengths/weaknesses data. 2winpower has an expert, who will gladly answer your questions and help you to promote your online casino.

Why Does Self-Conducted Promotion Causes a Casino Collapse

self-conducted promotion

Unprofessional, amateur internet promotions may not simply poorly drive traffic to online casino but also lead to failure. To make it easier to understand, we are going to reveal major mistakes that are made in each type of advertisement. 

The most dangerous error may in fact occur to your site at the stage of semantic kernel formation. SEO specialist works with a search engine that decides whether to display your site in the list of request results or not. The search engine also decides which sites are useful and which are not. If the SEO is wrong your web resource will never be marked as useful, and it will not fall into the top.

If you do the wrong clustering, it will also affect the results of the site pages on a specific request. Only experienced specialists know which keywords and in what quantity to use. Non-target casino traffic, small amount of time spent on the website, and a high level of rejections can kill it. We recommend you contact the pros.

This same sort of situation is with the CMN. An error in SEO, like a snowball, rolls down into the area of context-media advertising. Wrong targeting is the enemy of CMN. Even if you have a regular banner, it works for the target audience. Still, if you don’t know the client's behavior and the detailed targeting, even the most interactive banner won’t give a good conversion.

The problem only worsens if you start remarketing. In this case, additional ads will launch for people who are not interested in the site. It's a waste of money, and it's going to disappoint business owners. This error is tolerated by many specialists who have been superficially familiar with the CMN functionality and are launch ads on their own.

Everything is even more difficult in SMM. Every word you have is important. It is important to be able to talk to the audience through text and to maintain its interest. Cold uninformative page content will leave you the only one interested in the product.

You cannot customize all of the casino progress by yourself. Hiring one person and obliging him to do the work of an entire digital department is not the answer either. Contact the 2WinPower team, which will develop an effective promotion strategy and realize it. By cooperating with us the cost of opening casinos and advertising will pay off very quickly, and in a short period of time your gambling business will start to make profits!

marketing strategies for online casino promotion

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