Player Acquisition & Marketing Channels

Andrew Price
Posted by Andrew Price
2WinPower Partner, owner of the gambling establishments network.
Updated: 20/05/2020

With the extremely rapid development of internet technologies, promotional means have become extremely diverse. Moreover, some of them have such sophisticated systems that it may take several weeks to completely study and get used to their usage. The vast abundance of marketing channels allows creating numerous possibilities for the online gambling industry in order to acquire new clients to your platform.

2WinPower offers you to get acquainted with the comprehensive guide on the most popular marketing channels to ensure your business is being popularized adequately and efficiently. A detailed insight on the problem will let you utilize all available promotional means effectively and, in case of necessity, receive high-quality recommendations from our experts.

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Search engine optimization

You are able to increase the number of organic visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of relevant search engines. It means that people come to you by themselves.

You do not pay for this exposure but rather for the strategy. Here, you want to develop the components of this strategy that would strengthen the brand’s presence for highly targeted, high volume keywords (e.g., online casino, slots). At the same time, it should not skip long-tail keywords or special terms (e.g., the best online bonus slot in the UK).

Nowadays, the content has an expanded meaning to include text, video, images, social media, etc.

Focusing on properly building the foundations would allow driving qualified traffic to the sites in the medium and long term:

  • on-page keyword targeting and optimization;
  • link building;
  • content creation;
  • submission to search engines and directories;
  • landing page and website optimization.

SEO can be something that is perceived as very complicated because nobody really knows if you are guaranteed to get the expected results. There is no book to tell you what to do. Usually, most popular search engines give you the guidelines into what they value you at every given time.

It is basically an algorithm that changes continuously. Therefore, you should not expect short-term results from it. Usually, it will take several months at a very minimum to rank up the result queries.

App Store Optimization

App store optimization

Mobile apps have become an integral part of people’s lives. The gaming industry is not an exception. A self-respected operator will try its best to influence a mobile app’s visibility and discoverability in the store. The result is more than positive — it increases the amount of organic exposure and installs of mobile apps by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the store’s list, categories, and searched terms.

The major difference between the app and a website lies in optimization. In the case of a site, you actually host (or use the hosting services) the platform. It means you have access to the content at any time and can adjust it according to the ever-changing conditions.

The case is different with an app. Each new version has to be submitted, reviewed, approved, etc. It is actually a lot less dynamic since you are dependent on the app store. Judging from this, you only have two opportunities to influence the way you optimize the app in the store.

Before you release or update every new version, you are engaged in a pre-release setup that allows you to:

  • design a logo;
  • compose descriptions and come up with titles;
  • make appealing screenshots and record gameplay videos;
  • define the strongest keywords;
  • choose an appropriate category.

There are not many opportunities to optimize the app. Of course, rewriting a description or adding screenshots with the new features is helpful, but your capabilities are extremely limited.

The post-release setup provides even fewer possibilities for direct optimization.

However, they will also significantly contribute to the way your app is ranked and is discoverable at the store:

  • rating and reviews (quantity and quality);
  • install volume and burst campaigns;
  • app usage analytics.

Search engine marketing

Pay per Click (PPC) advertising can be a highly effective and cost-efficient channel to drive traffic from popular and targeted keywords and search terms, including capturing traffic for branded terms. It is one of the most popular and effective acquisitions/lead-generation channels.

Cost per click is determined based primarily on bidding strategy, keyword competition, and ad quality score. In some markets, Google imposes restrictions on the advertising of gambling-related offers.

The CEO of American iGaming Solutions illustrates:

In brief, the way it works is that you define a budget for your campaign, let us say $10,000, and pay $1 for every click on a paid link until your money is run over. It is particularly distinguished by its safety since you would not wake up the next morning and receive a bill of $50,000 debt.

One exciting hint for the keyword campaign that you should also implement misspelling. Sometimes, people are in a hurry, typing their queries with mistakes. A smart operator will also be ready for this and will intentionally have a certain percentage of his keywords written inappropriately, regardless of how absurd it could sound. Apart from that, you should remember that the ability to target SEM besides actual keywords is relatively limited.

Online Media Buying

Online media buying: types of placements

It is a very vast topic due to the presence of numerous layers that are related to online media buying. Marketing is the primary way to get users’ acquisition. As a self-respected operator, you want the traffic to multiply. The goal of online media buying is to generate this acquisition, brand awareness, and conversion. It is achieved by:

  1. Combining advanced targeting and ad serving technologies (outsourced-relied) and industry know-how and connections (in-house). An operator can not just handle the budget to someone else and ask them to deal with the online media buying. You (your company) are the ones who understand your target audience; you have that more profound insight into what your potential clients need.
  2. Practical and relevant placement of online ads, content, and offers to target audiences.
  3. Targeting profiles of potential customers based on demonstrated interests and activities, which relate closely with affinity shown by desired audiences.
  4. Continuously optimizing to find more of the best customers. You actually begin the cycle where you first place the ads, target the potential customers and optimize all these to achieve better results.

In comparison to search engine optimization, online media buying allows you to see the results immediately. You can focus on the promising directions and kill the unprofitable ways already within a few hours. At the same time, it does require a lot of work and engagement to reach the numbers you have planned for your business.

Online media buying includes several types of placements that you can have:

Data-Driven Display

Indirect usage of the ad inventory targeted on the clients depending on their demographic, geographic, behavioural, and contextual preferences


Reaching people that already some interaction with your product and offering them alternatives through individual proposals

Contextual Display

Targeting websites that talk about specific things, particularly notions that gamblers might be interested in

Site-Specific Targeting

Targeting specific sites on the network with relevant content and audience

CRM Remarketing

Reaching unconverted users following email communication

Custom Placements

Displaying on websites with audience affinity match

Mobile and Tablet Campaigns

Creating acquisition particularly for mobile devices in case you do not support cross-platform functionality

Video Advertising

Awareness and conversion through visual engagement


Allowing taking a specific area of the websites; works well as an alternative to media placement or affiliates

In order to manage your online media buying campaign effectively, you must create profiles for potential customers.

They must be based on demonstrated interests and activities that relate closely to the affinity shown by your existing or desired audiences. Then, you should serve targeted ads and offers and continuously optimize to find more of the best customers. The more personal you get into the details, the more accurate you will be, and the more impact you will receive on your results,

— explains the US online gaming and marketing consultant expert.

Social Media Influencers

Social media influencers

This marketing channel is partially similar to SEO, though it has a much smaller scale. Regardless of some of these things that might look as free to do, you will still have to have a specific budget to receive maximum benefit from it. When properly managed, this is a cost-effective way to expand the reach of your brand and generate loyalty and revenue.

Social media targeting might be your most effective communication channel. So, how do you actually maintain productive support for this channel?

  1. Start with content media strategy and conversation calendar. You do not want to put random information that would chaotically pop up, providing you with no real conversion.
  2. Include custom social campaigns, contests, surveys, tests designed for brand engagement, player acquisition, and email/lead generation. You will need to use your social media pages to interact with the customers and hear their feedback.
  3. Engage influencers on social media as consumers want to see authenticity.
  4. Involve strategic video campaigns. However, they should not be too long as, most of the time, they will be just skipped.
  5. Optimize user-generated content.
  6. Start slow and adjust the frequency of posts based on analytics.
  7. Involve customized chatbots and social listening tools that are on the rise.

Professional Marketing Setup with 2WinPower

The major drawback of the sophisticated marketing organization is the lack of experience that the new operators just can not have immediately. Of course, the theoretical background is of utmost importance, but it will not provide you with enough practical application of the described marketing channels. With this in mind, it will be highly beneficial to resort to professional guide companies.

2WinPower offers you a wide range of services that also include elaborate marketing adjustment.

Our proficient experts will organize everything on a turnkey basis, ensuring you also get the necessary information on:

  • search engine optimization;
  • app store optimization;
  • search engine marketing;
  • online media buying;
  • social media and influencers.

Together with the specialists from 2WinPower, you will be able to promote your platform to an entirely new level and engage enough traffic for a fantastic profit. Therefore, just reach our support team to inquire about any further details.

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