Breaking Down Statistical Data and Comparing to Your CRM Analysis

Andrew Price
Posted by Andrew Price
2WinPower Partner, owner of the gambling establishments network.
Updated: 17/02/2022

Customer Relationship Management system is one of the most efficient tools in gathering and utilizing efficient data. Even though the gambling industry is huge, a lot of establishments have quite a similar user experience and, consequently, similar information about it.

2WinPower experts decided to analyze the general data received from a global survey to help you understand which direction your establishment is moving. Most importantly, it is essential to remember that your data can and, most of all, will be different, depending on the audience and goals that you pursue.

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Big Data into Small Data

Big Data into Small Data

The secret of big data is making small data out of it. Whenever an operator has access to big data, it is essential to make it as small as possible and chop it down into pieces.

The first and most essential chunks of information that will be exported from your database are:

  • number of visits per certain period;
  • last visit;
  • total wagering amount;
  • games played;
  • net win;
  • net loss;
  • theoretical win;
  • average bet.

Surprisingly, but even this basic info can allow an operator to do a lot. In the end, it will lead to the creation of microsegments — the key aspect of any CRM system.

According to global statistics (26,473 entries) that became accessible due to ubiquitous internet connection, the majority of big casinos have quite similar data.


For example, while analyzing how many attendances players conduct, more than half of the clients were just one-time visitors. Unfortunately, it is a huge problem for gambling establishments, especially online. Websites operators pay their affiliates for every new registration. And 50% of these people just never come back again. It means that half of the spent promotional costs are gone for nothing.

If we go even deeper, CRM data allows us to see that this 50% of one-time-visitors contribute only 4% of general casino revenue. With this in mind, a lot of operators ask a question whether it is worth spending so many resources on this group?

And the answer is yes! It is essential to adapt to the audience and provide them with products and services that they are eager to receive. If your data shows you that 50% of people do not return to your casino, it is essential to change something.

Total Wagering

Let us go on and take a look at how much people usually deposit to the gambling platforms. Around 35% of all players coin in less than $100 to a platform. Surely, no casino would ever make a profit from such amounts. Therefore, these clients have problems with something. And your task is to figure out why players stop depositing money.

Average Bet

Average bet of casino players

The average bet also plays an integral part in understanding the players’ behaviour. It will tell you what kind of people gamble at your establishment and what type of games they like. On average, a lot of the analyzed casino guests spend between $1 and $10 per bet. Actually, they make up almost 75% of all gamblers. Consequently, the question appears whether it is possible to segment these guests and work on encouraging them to play more often and visit the casino more frequently.

Overall Experience

This statistical excerpt underlines the successful nature of gambling as a product. It turns out that, on average, 77% of casino players leave the establishment with less money than they brought in. It means that only 22% make a profit by gambling (1% break even). Depending on this statistical overview, you should consider adapting your software to meet the positive average balance.

Winning Amounts

Almost 80% of winning players have a profit of less than $100. It is actually a perfect outcome for both a client and a casino. Why it is beneficial for a gambling establishment? If a casino had a players’ winning rate of 0%, nobody would come back and the business would totally collapse.

New Guests Retention

Another statistical overview (15,406 entries) was focused on the funnel for a regular guest. Operators are ready that not all registrants would continue their operational process. Therefore:

New customer activities
proceeded with the next visit
went on and made the second visit
made three visits
had four visits
got to make 5 visits
made more than 6 visits

Unfortunately, it means that casinos lose a lot of people along the way. For some gambling establishments, it may be normal statistics. For example, if they are focused on fun players that do not have too many regular visits (70% of players make a single visit after registering). However, if your casino is supposed to have a lot of time-on-device players, there is definitely room for improvement.

Spending Limits

As we have previously talked about the value per guest, it is also worth considering in your statistics. If on average, 70% of your players are only one-time-guests, you will waste a lot on them with incentives and perks if they are not going to return. On the other hand, you should show how you care about them.

General Tips

There are a few other general recommendations that can help a casino operator conduct a successful marketing campaign and keep brand awareness on a high level.

  1. Every new promotion needs a business case to work with the given numbers. Analyze your statistics from CRM and ensure you understand the principles of segmentation.
  2. Apart from that, keep your existing clients satisfied. It is much more difficult to find a new loyal customer rather than to retain the one that you already have.
  3. Also, remember that the Pareto Principle (20% of your customers make up 80% of your revenue) does not apply to the gambling industry. In most cases, it will be 12% of your guests make up 89% of your profit.
  4. Focus on the groups that bring your revenue. Always take information from your efficient data and not from your gut feeling.

Data-Utilizing Process

Data-utilizing process & efficient analysis

A lot of new operators get overwhelmed with the amount of data they have to process. Indeed, it is really appraisable to attempt to figure out all problems and gaps of your gambling establishment to make it better.

However, quite often, the lack of experience can become a major problem on the way to efficient analysis of the received data that includes:

  • breaking down big data into small segments for the understanding of each particular situation;
  • understanding the attendance problem and adjusting the platform to the peculiarities of the audience;
  • ensuring that guests’ total wagering amounts are on the desired level and encouraging them to change it if necessary;
  • increasing the average bet without scaring players off;
  • keeping the winning amounts on a stable level to show potential clients the reason to gamble at your establishment;
  • retaining existing players and incentivizing them to stay longer with you for receiving maximum benefit.

Even though the guide is full of valuable information, you are always welcome to contact our customer support service for any additional questions you might have. Just reach us out by any convenient communication method.

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